Ensure the door is outswinging so the entire frame of the doorway blocks brute force attacks like kick-ins.
Understand what this is, the risk for Canadians, the similarities and differences with burglaries and what you can do to prevent and be ready, just in case.
This is when someone enters your house with you in it, usually by force, with the intent to commit a violent crime against you, such as robbery, assault, rape, murder, or kidnapping. The big difference between home invasions and burglaries is that the criminal wants you to be at home and tends to be violent whereas with burglaries it’s the opposite, the criminal wants an empty house and avoids confrontation. Countermeasures contained within this site can help prevent you from being a victim of both burglaries and home invasions. The main focus of this section is to minimize the harm done to you and your family in the event of a home invasion and additional things you can do to prevent this type of crime.
Definition of Home Invasion In Canada: a home invasion is a Break and Enter offence aggravating circumstance that can increase the punishment of those convicted “...the court imposing the sentence on the person shall consider as an aggravating circumstance the fact that the dwelling-house was occupied at the time of the commission of the offence and that the person, in committing the offence,
(a) knew that or was reckless as to whether the dwelling-house was occupied; and
(b) used violence or threats of violence to a person or property.“
Occurrences of home invasions across Canada are 20 times less frequent compared to regular non-violent burglaries. See our Canadian crime rate section for more details including a statistical profile of home invasions.
Home Invasions
1 in 562
Households across Canada
1 in 28
Households across Canada
Home Invasions, however, are particularly traumatic for the victims and can have long term consequences, in the extreme cases, include death. According to a Toronto Police Services Evironmental Scan Report, victims are usually left fearful of recurrence or personal harm and constantly anxious about the security of their homes.”
Don’t keep large amounts of valuables in your house that criminals would want such as cash, jewelry, drugs, weapons and don’t flaunt your wealth in public. See our section on keeping a lower profile.
Ensure the door is outswinging so the entire frame of the doorway blocks brute force attacks like kick-ins.
Use an insulated steel door slab that will resist attack and use security hinges so the door can’t be opened by simply removing the hinge pins.
Add more than one interior operated sliding bolts or deadbolts and a peephole to see when the coast is clear.
Install a phone line, cordless handset, an old cell phone with power, or alarm panic button to call 911. Old cell phones without service plans can still dial 911!
Never open your door to people you don’t know including people in uniform. Criminals can use many ploys to pretend to be someone they are not to convince you to open your door. Instead, talk through your door or use an intercom or even better, an Internet Video Doorbell with 2-way communication.
Escape first, hide second, and avoid engaging with the assailants if at all possible.
Plan for and practice what you and your entire family, including your kids, would do and say if a home invasion does occur. Know your escape routes and hiding spot(s) if trapped inside.
You can add panic buttons around your house to your existing alarm system for a 1-click call for help. Also, know how to activate your panic button on your alarm panels.